ICICI Lombard Health Booster Boost your health cover!

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Top-up Health Insurance with the Health Booster Cover

Secure yourself from surging medical costs and unexpected health issues with our Super TopUp Insurance, Health Booster. Because your health deserves more!

Understand Your Health Booster Policy Coverage

What is covered under the Policy

  • In-patient treatment: Medical expenses for hospitalisation as an in-patient for a minimum period of 24 consecutive hours
  • Day care treatments: 150 medical expenses incurred by you while undergoing specified day care treatment (as mentioned in the day care surgeries list), which require less than 24 hours hospitalisation
  • In-patient AYUSH treatment: Expenses for Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) treatment only when the treatment has been undergone in a government hospital or in any institute recognised by the government and/or accredited by Quality Council of India/National Accreditation Board
  • Donor expenses: Hospitalisation expenses, as incurred by the organ donor for undergoing organ transplant surgery for your use, are covered up to sum insured
  • Pre and post hospitalisation: Medical expenses incurred by you, immediately up to 60 days before and up to 90 days after your hospitalisation covered up to sum insured
  • Domestic road emergency ambulance cover: The reasonable and actual expenses up to 1% of your sum insured, maximum up to ₹5,000 per event, incurred by you on availing ambulance services offered by a hospital/ambulance service provider in an emergency condition
  • Relationships covered: Self, spouse, dependent children, brother, sister, dependent parent, grandparents, grandchildren, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, dependent brother-in-law and dependent sister-in-law
  • Wide range of annual Sum Insured (5 lakhs to 50 lakhs) and flexible deductible options (3,4,5 lakhs) to suit your needs Individual and Floater cover for the family
  • Lifetime renewability
  • Policy Period: Available in one, two or three year policy period options(10%, 12.5% discount on 2yrs, 3yrs policy)
  • Floater option: Covering up to 2 Adults and 3 Children in a single policy
  • Eligibility: This policy can be offered to an individual with minimum age of 6 years under an individual policy. However children aged 3 months to 5 years can be insured under a floater plan only. No restriction on maximum entry age
  • Pre-existing diseases: Pre-existing diseases will be covered immediately after 2 years of continuous coverage under the policy since the issuance of the first policy. The waiting period will be adjusted by the number of years the insured has spent in the base policy
  • Tax Benefit: Avail tax saving benefit on premium paid under health section of this policy, as per section 80D of Income Tax act, 1961 and amendments made thereafter
  • Cashless Hospitalisation: Avail cashless hospitalisation at any of our network providers/hospitals. List of these providers/hospitals is available on our website
  • Pre-policy medical checkup: No medical tests will be required for insurance cover below the age of 46 years and upto sum insured of ₹10 Lakhs
  • Free look period: Policy can be cancelled by giving a written notice within 15 days of receipt.
  • Domiciliary Hospitalisation Cover: Medical expenses incurred by you during your domiciliary hospitalisation upto sum insured
  • Reset Benefit: For plans with deductible of ₹3 lakhs and above, we shall reset up to 100% of the sum insured once in a policy year in case the Sum Insured including accrued Additional sum insured (if any) is insufficient due to previous claims in that policy year
  • Wellness Program: Wellness program intends to promote, incentivize and reward you for your healthy behavior through various wellness services.
  • Claim Service Guarantee: Get a quick response for cashless claims in 4 hours and reimbursement claims in 14 days Enjoy tax benefits: Now have fun with the tax deduction benefits on the premium paid for you, spouse and dependent children

Optional Add On Covers


Hospital Daily Cash: We shall pay a fixed amount of 1,000 (as per Silver option) for each and every completed day of hospitalisation, if such hospitalisation is at least for a minimum of 3 consecutive days and subject to a maximum of 30 consecutive days per policy year.


Your policy does not cover:


We shall not be liable for the deductible amount as specified against the plan opted. We are not liable for any payment unless the hospitalisation medical expenses exceed the deductible. No deductible shall be applicable for optional covers.


We are not liable to pay 20% of admissible claim amount above the deductible applicable under the policy, for insured above 60 years of age. This does not apply if insured is 60 years of age or below. However, this condition will not be applicable if you were aged 45 years or below at the time of buying this policy first time and have renewed it continuously after that. No co-pay will be applicable for optional covers, if any.

First 30 days waiting period

Any diseases contracted and declared during first 30 days of period of insurance start date except those arising out of accidents. This exclusion shall cease to apply from first renewal of the policy with us. This will not be applicable if the insured person(s) is/are insured continuously and without interruption for at least 1 year under any other health insurance plan with an Indian non-life insurer as per guidelines on portability issued by the insurance regulator.

Pre-existing disease waiting period

Any pre-existing condition(s) declared by you and accepted by us, shall not be covered until 24 months of your continuous coverage, since inception of this policy.

First 2 year exclusions

For medical diseases/ conditions and treatment/procedure mentioned below, a waiting period of 2 years will be applicable unless required due to occurrence of cancer.

  • ENT: Sinusitis, deviated nasal septum
  • Gynaecological: Fibroids (fibromyoma), endometriosis, prolapsed uterus, polycystic ovarian disorder (PCOD)
  • Orthopaedic: Arthritis, gout and rheumatism, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, spinal or vertebral disorders
  • Gastrointestinal: Calculus diseases of gall bladder including cholecystitis, esophageal varices, pancreatitis, fissure/fistula in anus, hemorrhoids, pilonidal sinus, piles, ulcer and erosion, gastro esophageal reflux disorder (GERD), perineal abscesses, perianal abscesses
  • Uro-genital: Calculus diseases of Urogenital system, for example: kidney stone, urinary bladder stone etc., benign enlargement of prostate, chronic kidney disease
  • Eye: Cataract
  • Other general conditions (Applicable to all organ systems/ organs/ disciplines whether or not described above): Internal tumors, cysts, nodules, polyps, skin tumors, lumps, all types of internal congenital anomalies/illnesses/defects

Permanent exclusions

  • Any illness/disease/injury pre-existing before the inception of the policy for the first 2 years. Such waiting period shall reduce if the insured has been covered under a similar policy before opting for this policy, subject however to portability regulations
  • Medical expenses incurred during the first 30 days of inception of the policy, except those arising out of accidents. This exclusion doesn’t apply for subsequent renewals without a break
  • Expenses attributable to self - inflicted injury (resulting from suicide, attempted suicide)
  • Injury or diseases directly or indirectly attributable to war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, war like operations
  • Expenses arising out of or attributable to alcohol or drug use / misuse / abuse
  • Cost of spectacles/contact lenses, dental treatment
  • Medical expenses incurred for treatment of AIDS
  • Treatment arising from or traceable to pregnancy (this exclusion does not apply to ectopic pregnancy proved by diagnostic means and is certified to be life threatening by the medical practitioner) and childbirth, miscarriage, abortion and its consequences congenital disease
  • Tests and treatment relating to infertility and in-vitro fertilisation

Check your eligibility for Health Booster

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