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Insurance is a mechanism of risk transfer and sharing by pooling of risks and funds among a group of individuals who are exposed to similar kinds of risks for the benefit of those who suffer loss on account of the risk. Insurance is, thus, a financial tool specially created to reduce the financial impact of unforeseen events and to create financial security. Indeed, everyone who wants to protect himself against financial hardship should consider insurance. Traditionally, “the joint family” has been an informal social security in India. In modern society, social security is available only to those who are employed in the organised sector. Insurance is considered one of the tools of social security for formal and informal sectors and is largely carried out in two ways.
The term health insurance is a type of insurance that covers your medical expenses. A health insurance policy is a contract between an insurer and an individual /group in which the insurer agrees to provide specified health insurance cover at a particular “premium”.
All of us should buy health insurance and for all members of our family, according to our needs. Buying health insurance protects us from the sudden, unexpected costs of hospitalization (or other covered health events, like critical illnesses) which would otherwise make a major dent into household savings or even lead to indebtedness.Each of us is exposed to various health hazards and a medical emergency can strike anyone of us without any prior warning. Healthcare is increasingly expensive, with technological advances, new procedures and more effective medicines that have also driven up the costs of healthcare. While these high treatment expenses may be beyond the reach of many, taking the security of health insurance is much more affordable.